This was a bag full of strippy blocks that are just like what we were swapping on our Scrappyand Happy yahoo group. Only this lady was paper piecing them. The newspaper she used was old so no telling when she started this project!

This is a stack and whack that the lady already had cut out and it has lots of leftovers to add to it too! Coby is gonna love this one!

This one is large enough to put together and have a top already. It is in strips and just needs to be put together!

This one is in LOTS of pieces. She had tons cut but only this one put together. (not real neatly done either) But I think I can do alot with it.

Not really sure even what it's called, are they stars or what?

And then there is this panel that Miss Cindy would probably love, since it's purple and all! But I thought it was precious with the butterflies and flowers!

Here's alot more little pieces she had cut out but nothing done. I really like these little pieces!

These are the cuts of fabric that I picked up. Some of them have several yards in them!

These are charms that are cute and a few are put together. I will probably take them back apart and use in a more random arrangement!

This on I REALLY loved! Great head start to my black and white quilt I wanted to do!
So that's it for now! I do hope you enjoyed my treasure as much as I enjoyed digging through her stash. Guess I need to read the paper more often! lol
P.S. She even sold me her mother's pretty little heart shaped pin cushion. Sorry I forgot to take a picture of it. And two good size wicker baskets! Now that's what I call a true "Quilter's Delight"!